Thursday, 31 January 2013
Winner of the home town Money Maker competition
Winner of the home town Money Maker competition for this month is Ian Marshall, thanks for the input from everyone and hope that everyone will continue to take part in the future. I will be sending Ian Marshall the bitcoins now of the amount of 0.1,so if he would like to make a comment on the end of this it would be greatly appreciated.
So keep checking in people more money will be given out. :)
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Silk Road annoymous marketplace (S.R) Versus Black Market Reloaded

To start I'd like to say hats off and hands in the air applause to the designers and brains behind Silk Road and Black Market but that's about where the similarities stop and the frustrating differences begin. For the most part s.r has run smoothly with 98% of my purchases but with b.m.r I have only received 1% of my orders. For more information on how to use these sites look at my earlier posts on silk road or black market.
First you need to understand some lingo.
Bit coins -A decentralized digital currency created in 2009
FE means finalize early so when your finalize early you are giving the person your bit coins before you get the product for many different reasons such as you are a new customer and they don't trust you, it's just their policy even though silk road's policy is to not allow that and some do it to just steal your money because they are scammers. So basically finalize means you gave them the bit coins to the person you bought from because you received the product and finalize early means you gave the money before you got the product.
L.L which means love letter or customs holding letter. So if your package gets taken by customs they will send you a L.L to say they stole your stuff from you.
So now into the differences that matter.
Silk road had a really great rating system that lets you rate sellers from 1 to 5 and then also allows you to go back and edit that for reasons such as they got you to f.e early because you were a new customer but you have to leave feedback and a rating after your finalize but when you get the product or don't get the product you can go back and edit your rating and feed back helping others not get scammed. Black Market Reloaded doesn't allow you to go back and reedit your comments on a purchases that you do with someone or even let you give a rating. So if you are new and someone makes your f.e early but then scams you for your bit coins they you can go back on silk road and lower their rating and leave a nasty feedback but not on black market, you are screwed.
I am still new in some terms to these sites, been on them for about 5 months now but to my conclusion would be to not even bother with black market reloaded and stick with silk road. 98% of the people on silk road are honest business people but on black market it seems that 99% are scammers trying to steal your bit coins. One other thing to watch out for is the scammers will use the same names on both b.m.r and s.r so they can be scamming on both sites at the same time.
I wrote the people who are running black market reloaded with my concerns and here is the conversation we had:
2012-12-20 16:46 Me:
"Hey, Not sure the process to report being scammed but I made a purchase for two weapons from jitters for 300$ and never received them,its been almost a month since i made the order and he has cut off communication with me about a week ago. He asked me to fe early due to me being a new customer, i have been a customer on silk road for a very long time now and realized that yes i am now and untrusted yet but i never got ripped off on silk road when i started and f.e.ed early." They never responded so i wrote them again. 2012-12-27 04:07 Me: "I am beginning to get very concerned, I have made 7 orders and not one from this site has come through but 12 from silkroad have came through during that time. I write a very well read blog about under ground sites such as this and if something does change soon I am going to have to write the truth that this site really is a complete hoax" They Finally responded under the name backopy at 2012-12-27 05:39 "Sorry to know that, but BMR isn't any sort of hoax, you either just came across a bad seller or are really out of luck. BMR's sellers are in no way associated with BMR, no more than eBay or any other side of the sort. Stick to escrow to stay safe, don't byte excuses about btc price, escrow to be unreleased and so on, that's usually the mark of a scam." I still haven't received any of my orders from any of my B.M.R orders except from BullionKillstheBanksters. Untrustworthy site overall.
I will update as I know more and will have a list of all the scammers that I have come across on this blog so feel free to comment on people that have scammed your with what they have done or people that are great to do business with,the real champions.
Silk Road Wall Of Scammers
Silk Road Wall Of Champions
FrankMatthews- Great customer service, amazing speedy delivery and stealth to the max
Pharmacare- Great customer service, amazing speedy delivery and even threw in extra
p3nd8s -Great customer service, amazing speedy delivery and stealth to the max
BashfulBetty- Great customer service, amazing speedy got here in a day
Uglydoll-received package, took awhile but it came all the same
Plutopete- Got the product really late but it came
Black Market Reloaded Wall Of Scammers
Jitters- I ordered a product worth over 25 bitcoins, he got me to f.e early and he just stopped communicating with me. Then 30 days later he said you aren't getting anything and stopped communications with me.
Canadian_Med_Supply- I ordered from them a small half bitcoin amount and received nothing and they won't communicate with me. Been over a month now.
jennifers- Another no show order and contact cut off. Been over a month now.
Black Market Reloaded Wall of Champions
BullionKillstheBanksters- This man here is the only real legitimate sealer on b.m.r. His product did take a bit to arrive but it did arrive with more then expected inside. Great customer service
only- I got my order really late but it still came, not very good stealth tho
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Coin Visitor, Bit Visitor, Coin Tube - Easily earn daily Free bitcoins while doing other things
As those of you who have already read my previous posts know I am always on the hunt for ways to make free money and that means bitcoins too. Got another good one for every one , this site lets you earn by watching other sites for a few seconds, your then solve a captcha and then it goes onto the next site, just like the site bit visitor which is another amazing site to earn free bitcoins. I also use daily, for that site I either just turn the volume off on my computer or mute the video and you get paid per video you watch. The last site I use daily to make free easy bitcoins is , that site gives you a connection to ten different sites that give away from bitcoins daily or hourly for almost zero effort, most you just have to fill in a captcha. I use all those sites daily while I am checking my emails, face book, my blogs ,other daily tasks on the computer and I just have them running in the background. I even just have my laptop running beside me while I am playing play station 3 Call of Duty Black Ops 3 and during the match breaks I earn free bitcoins. I make a bitcoin or two a day by using all my bitcoin sites and tricks know but you will have to read all my blog and what I write next so you can too.
And once again, if you don't have a wallet to hold you bitcoins in yet check out to get your own, very easy and quick to setup.
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Home town money maker - Free Bitcoin competition

I have done a fair bit of traveling in my days and one thing I have noticed is that almost every town has a different way to make money that is uniquely it's own. The best way to figure this out is to go downtown to the local coffee shop in the middle of town and ask the people hanging out there, they will know the ways to get cash in that town. For example: Some towns have people that pay for ever green bows off of trees, some other towns you can dig clams, pick mussels, collect golf balls or pick up garbage. Just check around, if not in your town then in the one next to yours there will be a quick and easy way to make some more cash. :D
So now everyone write a comment on the ways that their town has to make extra money and the person that writes the best, easiest and most profitable way to make cash will earn a bitcoin donation ;) Depending on how good the idea is and how many people comment it will be from 0.001 to 0.2 btc. So come on people, lets hear them money making ways.
P.S. Make sure to add your BTC address with your comment, if you don't have a btc wallet then read some of my other posts on bitcoins to figure out what they are and how to get a digital wallet to hold them coins in. :-P
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