Many sites out there offer you cash, prizes or other incentives for you referring others for using or signing up to their sites. They are very easy to sign up for and even easier to make money from getting referrals. You can add them to a blog like me, make a small video on explaining how to sign up, and make an advertisement and buy cheap paid to click space. I am going to put some of those here for you and will be adding more as time passes.
1.Coinurl - Coinurl not only has a referral program but also gives you bitcoins for shorten your url's and then you get 100% of the ad funds from that.
2.Freebitcoins - This site has a referral program, smalls jobs such as surveys and you can view advertisements too.
4. Dollarsincome - Dollarincome not only had a referral program but they pay you in free cash to your paypal by visiting ad sites or by doing simple jobs.
5.Bit Visitor Bit visitor pays you in bitcoins to look at advertisements and there is a 5 minute timer per page, this is one of the sites that I use daily.
6.Stuff Point Stuff point has tons of amazing prizes and gifts that you get by earning points by doing little jobs or surveys and they also have a referral programs, love this site.I use this one one a regular as well. and it definitely can be trusted.
7. BTC4FREE - btc4free is a site that you can get paid to refer, check surveys and many other ways to make bitcoins.
8. BITMIT - Bitmit is a great and fun auction site that uses just bitcoins, i got a psp for one bitcoin, thats like 12 dollars.
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