One way to make some extra cash has been around much longer then your laptop or tablet and that good ole' fashion skill trading. Just think about something you are great at, something that comes easy to you with not much effort or something that you can do a lot better then most people you come across in your daily life. So lets use this as example: say you are good at talking to people and find it easy to public speak. So then you just think about a topic that you understand very well and then do public speaking for making cash. Another way can be selling drawings and if you can draw even better then most then maybe buying a cheap tattoo gun and then buy a big stack of fake skins(never start tattooing on people until you have practiced forever and then some more). Check out, a great place to buy things cheap and without shipping fees to better harness your skills. My girlfriend is doing just that right now, doing pictures and tattoos for all kinds of people now making good money, check out her blog . So what ever skill you have, just think real hard and then put it to cold hard use my friend.
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